As an avid reader of educational
practices, I came across countless
studies in which single- gender settings
propelled academic achievement. While
the research proved this true, many school
systems, schools, and Principals were
reluctant to take the calculated risk.
Throughout your career as a Principal,
some risks have to be taken, if the
intent is meant for good. Confession- 5
I decided to take the risk as it
related to single-gender classes. My
supervisor told me that this could mean
continued tenure as a Principal or open
the opportunity for a quick demotion.
I reviewed the research, set my
team in place and implemented single
gender in 5th grade. One Girl’s Class,
One Boy’s Class, and One Mixed Gender
Class. I consulted the teachers and only
asked them to do their best.
At the conclusion of the school
year, the all girls class scored 100%
proficiency in Reading, English
Arts, and 92% in Mathematics. The
all boys class, 96% Reading, English
Language Arts, and 88% in Mathematics.
Both groups out scored the mixed group
by over 15%.
Remember, at this point in your
career, nobody wants to be wrong and/
or to blame. You will have supervisors
who can guide you, but remember they
have to protect their jobs as well. So
when you have the gut feeling, and your
intent is of good, go ahead and take the
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