Friday, January 14, 2011

How To Make Money Online Appetizer

I was once told as a young man that an entrepreneur is never defeated. As I reflect back on my childhood, I have to thank my parents (both successful entrepreneurs) for instilling in me the wherewithal to never give up on my ideas.
I can remember my first "lick", in laymen terms, in the black business project. It had to be 1988, Xclan was the hottest rap group on the scene. The entire youth community wanted to rock the Red, the Black, and the Green. Being the young innovator, my friend ( Randy Moore) and I came up with a plan. His mother had the doorway beads that all households back in the day placed in door frames for decoration. They just happen to be red, black, and green. Opportunity right. Each week we would cut down 1 string and make the neighborhood youth bracelets, necklaces, and anklets. We made a couple hundred dollars, until his mom questioned why she only had one string left.

PSM principle, stick with an idea while you can, but when the opportunity starts to fade, let go, take what you have learned and move on. The universe will send you another, you just have to be ready when it arrives.

Stay tune for more PSM moments.

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