Monday, December 24, 2012

Courageous Conversations

I would like to thank you for
purchasing and reading this collections
of principles that have shaped my
leadership style, my confessions. This
book is dedicated to those like you and
I that sincerely want to be the best
in the role we have been appointed to
serve in. This Principalship is such a
rewarding job, however, if you don’t work
to become the best, this same job can be
detrimental. You have what it takes to
lead the next generation of leaders and
this is just a guide to encourage you to
feel comfortable tapping into the inner
voice you hear daily that guides your
The last confession is called
courageous conversation. Confession- 30
Throughout the book, you read these words
a few times, courageous conversation. In
the other sections, those mentionings
were in regards to conversations with
others. The courageous conversations
I sharing with you now are those
conversations with your self.
Principals, be that leader that
you would want to meet at your child’s
school. Be that leader that you would
like your mom to visit. Be that principal
that remembers your name when you see
them in the grocery store. Be that
principal that shows up at the little
league games and graduations. Be that
principal that you can look in the mirror
and see a smile.
When you don’t see that principal
we just mentioned above, have that
courageous conversation with yourself.
Challenge yourself, analyze yourself,
evaluate yourself, confess to yourself,
and correct yourself.
You are the best, you are the
brightest, you are the chosen.
Congratulations, you are The

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