Thursday, December 6, 2012

Be Selfish Today

Sometimes in life, you have to be selfish to survive. Every time you sit on a plane and the flight attendant gives instructions, she says," in case of emergency, the oxygen mask will release, place the mask on yourself first before attempting to aid others." Often in life, we have a tendency sincerely to help others pursue, fulfill, or accomplish their goals. In doing this, we often place on hold our desires, ambitions, or dreams. Why? We want for them what we want for ourselves, true. However, can you truly help someone else when you are not fulfilled or empty inside. This becomes worse when you don't set a timeline or perimeters on when you will refocus on yourself. Today, be selfish. Take time to plan, prepare, and propel yourself on the path of your survival. Be Selfish Today, if so, you will have enough oxygen to help others after you help yourself.

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