Saturday, April 4, 2009

How Not to Cheat on Your Wife

In today's society, the standard for a man has greatly decreased. Men have become relegated to non-committal relationships. While society encourages the promiscuity of male and female, one particular power supersedes the sway of the populist. This is the influence of GOD and his institution of Marriage.

When a man and a woman stand before GOD and utter those most sacred words of " I do", that man and woman are stating their intentions. I do plan to stay with you until death does us part; I do plan to stay with you through sickness and health; I do plan to stick by you through riches and poor. While these intentions are good, they require intentional effort, particularly for men.

In my forthcoming book, How Not to Cheat on Your Wife: A Success Guide for the Faithful Husband, I discuss the tools necessary to fulfill a husbands obligation to GOD, His Wife, His Family, and Himself. This book will give men the prescriptions for a healthy and fruitful marriage with the woman you told "I do".

How Not to Cheat on Your Wife, will also provide wives with the antibiotics necessary to guard their husbands away from the virus of infidelity. This book is a remedy to decades of discomfort in the minds of married couples.

Below is a sneak peak at some of the chapters covered in the book:

The Forgotten vs. The Forbidden Chase
Is the grass really greener on the other side?
If you like it that much, bring it home!
How to flirt with your Wife?
No, you tell the kids!
& more.

Stay tuned to my blog and log onto the website for the release date of How Not to Cheat on Your Wife: A Success Guide for the Faithful Husband. &

1 comment:

Unknown said...


This is greatly needed brother. Looking forward to reading it.